The Gaucho Experience

Los orígenes de las primeras Estancias

Los orígenes de las primeras Estancias

Las primeras estancias cerca de Buenos Aires tenían un propósito económico y evangelizador en sus orígenes. Después de fundar una nueva ciudad, el conquistador normalmente distribuía los campos para los que lo habían acompañado alrededor del lugar de fundación. En la...

Rural Tourism / La Pampa Region

Rural Tourism / La Pampa Region

Argentina is famous for its beef. Now you can see where it comes from. Many family-run Argentine cattle ranches, or estancias as they are called in Argentina, are opening their doors to rural tourism: Turismo en San Antonio de Areco. Now a days most of the Estancias...

Traditional dress of Argentina: The warrior Gaucho costume

Traditional dress of Argentina: The warrior Gaucho costume

Gaucho normally denotes the residents or inhabitants of the South American pampas or grasslands. They are almost like the North American “cowboy” who have the genuine profession of herding the cattle and practice hunting to meet their economic needs. Gauchos are...

Estancia relax

Estancia relax

Estancia relax in the Pampa Region The Pampa is home to one of the most enduring images of Argentina: the gaucho on horseback, roaming the plains. All over the pampas there are quiet, unspoiled towns where gaucho culture is still very much alive. One of impeccably...

Tradition cradle in San Antonio de Areco

Tradition cradle in San Antonio de Areco

ARECO : CRADLE OF TRADITION. In recent decades , San Antonio de Areco became the quintessential Creole enclave . With good hotels and restaurants, the experience in Areco is filled pure tradition.  If the pampa treasures as its maximum cultural heritage everything...


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