Areco gastronomy

Areco gastronomy

ABOUT THE ARECO GASTRONOMY: Meats, regional cheeses, cold cuts of excellence, luxury marinades.  The Areco gastronomy also includes the traditional barbecue or “asado”, the “dulce de leche” and the “torta frita”. In this traditional town you can enjoy all of these and more. The “La Olla de Cobre” is a place in the center of the town which is well-known for its famous and delicious chocolates and specially its “alfajores” San Antonio de Areco has excellent enterprises dedicated to tempt the most exquisite palate. “Ayres de Areco”, “Falufe” and “La Casona de Areco” offer the best to take home. Instead ,”El Boliche de Bessonart”, “El Tokio“, “The corner of Merti” and “Pulpería Lo de Tito“,have a different offer. To eat all of that food alone is pure selfishness … but it is understandable. We know why we say it.

Empanadas: our traditional gastronomy

Empanadas: our traditional gastronomy

¡Hot “empanadas”! The empanadas and their making is for every province in Argentina a crucial affair, each one uses different ingredients and different ways of cooking them. This even happens in San Antonio de Areco, were you will never find two identical empanadas made by two different people. But that doesn´t matter when you’re eating some authentic creole empanadas from Areco, with a good wine or a cold beer, because you will feel so gratified  that the rest will be on a secondary level, and you’ll happily think: ¡I’m glad to be in Areco!

Si las fronteras provinciales argentinas se delimitaran según un criterio gastronómico los límites serían marcados por repulgues. Porque la empanada y su preparación es para cada provincia una cuestión crucial, con diferencias sustanciales en su cocción y su relleno. Y si nos circunscribimos a San Antonio de Areco, la cosa se pone mas complicada, ya que en cada casa, cada cuadra y cada calle hay un/una especialista que se va a arrogar el titulo de hacer la mejor empanada del pago.
Pero eso, poco importa ya que cuando comamos una autentica empanada criolla arequera, fritas o al horno, con un buen tinto o una cerveza helada, nuestro paladar se sentirá tan gratificado que el resto pasará a segundo plano y felices pensaremos: ¡Que bueno que estoy en Areco!